Naming / renaming
The baby who hides limitless possibility, and spreads hope and a dream around. What a splendid heaven-sent luck! And what a mysterious event!
When we look at the innocently smiling baby, we cannot help praying for his/her happiness. The first present which parents and grandparents give to a newborn baby is the name. The name is actualy a body guard of the baby showing power not a simple mark.
The name controls the future of the baby socially and psychologically. The name greatly affects the fate of the baby. It is natural to be troubled so that parents of the world name it.
We are strangely surprised that the name looks just like the fortune of the person judged by name studies. The good part is similar, and the bad part is also similar in name studies. Therefore it is very important who does name him/her. That is why an elder or village mayor in the area was asked for naming in Japan from old days in the neighborhood.
However, unfortunately it is the present conditions that is not accompanied by the readily good name even if you ask naming master or read books of "naming" lined up in the bookstore.
"Glitter name" is very popular these days, but is reliable in the future if I do not have any problem by traditional onomastics. Because changing name is not easy in law in Japan.
In addition, we should give the registration of a birth in the Family Registration Act within 14 days from a natal day in Japan.
"The good name is blessed with good luck, and the bad name ends in misfortune, the unhappy life" is the origin of name studies. When right name judgment is received, you will become partly uneasy and partly relieved. It is natural for you to have the name blessed with good luck if possible, but you cannot change "the name registered with a family register" without sufficient reason in the current Family Registration Act once is prescribed.
However, you do not have to give it up that the changing name in the family register is difficult. In the everyday life except the public case, you acquire "the good name" by name studies and can expect the improvement of the fortune enough by always using it as a popular name name or a second name.
The influence of a second name shows the effect with an outcome, with the lapse of time, in three months in the fast people, within three years in slow people. But you must not forget the effort to control it so that a bad element is not brought up because the influence of the original name does not completely disappear either. In addition, the cooperation of a family, people of the neighborhood including the friend are important because the name is used a lot from the persons except the person him/her-self.
Specifically, you write the second name every day in the block style a certain number of times, we recommend you to have an effort to carve in your mind deeply. You continue this action for a certain period of time. Moreover you should use the second name other than an important official document. In addition, you should convert a business card or the nameplate.
・ The stage name is a common name to be used when a talent works on an entertainment mainly. Some entertainers use a real name as a stage name, but in the case of a kanji, a case and the real name that a reading is different in may only do notation of all or part for katakana and a hiragana letter or Romaji notation even if the typeface is the same as the real name. After all you will recognize that the quality of stage name controls a degree of popularity if you judge an entertainer appearing in the media.
・ The manners and customs of the pen name came from China.
・ The nom de plume (pen name) is it with the nom de plume about the name except the real name to be used when I announce the sentences such as a novel or the review, the comics work. You may use plural noms de plume properly by a genre and a style.
We sift it with a computer from tens of thousands of combinations after having watched a condition (including the number of the favorite kanji and reading of, initial and letters) you like in us beforehand, and the meaning of the letter should be that the above devises three ways of names to be finally correct in a condition except an unnatural thing, the thing that way of reading is unnatural, an in common-sense terms funny thing. Surely the name you love should be found.
We do give a name with responsibility from now on so that it works still more according your effort.
Price list (tax included)
Name appraisal: 3,300 JPY (tax included)/ up to two
Design of personal name: 33,000 JPY (tax included)
Design of a stage name / group name: 33,000 JPY (tax included)
Corporate name: 55,000 JPY (tax included)
Selected name 3,300 JPY (tax included) / 3 up to 1, additional 1,100 JPY (tax included)