
We judge every matter about your overall fortune precisely and give you some effective advise.
Hitting ratio is more than 90%.

陰陽五行 - Yin-yang 5 elements
Yin-yang theory tries to explain the universe as a result of dual changes such as heaven and earth, day and night, cold weather, men and women. The 5 elements theory considers five elements of wood-fire, cement and water as an element that dominates all things, and preaches the change of all things in space by its rise and fall.
易占 - I-Ching
Fortune telling by the bamboo that was created in the Chang period on behalf of 亀卜; Kiboku of Yin Period of China. We use the card arranged from what was arranged to the card.

Tarot Reading
Fortune telling by 78 cards consists of 22 cards called "large Arcana" and a set of 56 "Small Arcana".
Palm Reading
Fortune telling that judges the person's personality, talent qualities, health condition, fortune or not, focusing on the form of the hand including the line (palmar line) appearing in the palm and fleshed.