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Recommended sacred spots
【Hoshida Myoukengu Shrine】 Hoshida 9-60-1, Katano-shi, Osaka-pref.

Sacred word: "On makashiriei chiribei sowaka"
First, you bow twice deeply, and clap twice.
Next you say sacred word above three times, say your date of birth and name and ask your favor.
Finally you bow once more deeply.
Shrine office - TEL 072-891-2003 (8am- 3am)

Sacred word: "Noumaku sanmanda bodanan meigya shaniei sowaka"
【Tateri Koujinsha Shrine】Iketsugawa Koujindake 347, Nosegawa-mura, Yoshino-gun, Nara-pref.

Sacred word: "On kenbaya kenbaya sowaka"
Shrine office - TEL 0747-37-2001
Accommodation - TEL 0747-37-2417
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